Monday, June 28, 2010

Horse of Fire and Ice

I got this great Horse Breeds book last year, I think for Easter. This Horse Breeds book is full of the most beautiful pictures of Horses. I have drawn a couple of sketches using this book but, there’s one I really really liked…My Favourite…only thing was I wanted to have a bit of fun with colour…I didn’t want to use the natural colours…I used COLOURS…Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple. I wanted the ‘Wow Factor’…I just wanted it to stand out from the rest. The breed of Horse is a Shire/a Clydesdale, they are a very close breed of horse in the horse family.

This picture above is from that Horse Breeds book.

I know it kind of looks cartoonie but, it’s only a study sketch, if I decide to paint it I had an idea how to go about it.

Some people have told me that the Horse above looks like he’s on fire…a Fire Horse and the other one below looks like ice…a Ice Horse. I’m not sure what to make of that but, I will say it’s very interesting how people see things, all input is good there‘s no bad input.
This last picture is from a very brand new sketchbook and a decided I would do that very same picture in a pen. I haven’t had a lot of time to work on this that’s why its not finish yet, a working in progress. I will have to keep you up to date on that sketch.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Special Birthday Card

I made a birthday card for my Mom…it was of her Newfoundland Pony she had…‘Bonnie‘…Mom called her ‘Bond.’ Anyways, I made this card using orange paper with red, black, and white colour pencils. I loved it…my first thought was 'I want one'…I didn’t want to give it to Mom but, I did and it hangs on her wall at home. I loved it that much I took pictures and I started on my own…one problem I had no orange paper…so I just used my sketch book. I thought it was a nice tribute to Bonnie.
This one of Bonnie is mine, still very nice but I think Mom got the better one.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Emily Carr Journal - 'Hundreds and Thousands'

"The field is full of Dandelions, energetic people always doing something,
turning their clear Yellow Faces this way and that as the sun moves, wagging
their heads in the wind, growing fearfully fast and hauling their green caps
over their faces at night." June 11.
I have always love Dandelions, specially in the field or on a golden yellow...bright and happy. Most people hate them and they think of ways to kill them off...not me. I love them, a splash of colour on a green lawn or field, they just dance in the wind. Afterwards they go from golden yellow to a cotton white fluff, their seeds hanging off a balloon of fluff, floating away in the wind.... Pick a One...Make a Wish and Blow. For My Birthday this year my Nephew gave me a hand full of Dandelions, I put
them in a vase and put them on top of my kitchen table. I just had to take lots
of pictures of My Birthday Dandelion.

My Little Flower/Red Sketch Book

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This is My Little Flower/Red Sketch Book...this Sketch Book has sketches, pictures, sayings, some writing and cartoon horse from a's all about HORSES. It's MY HORSE Sketch Book, all Horses. I take this little Sketch Book where ever I go...I drop it into a purse or my pocket with a pen and I'm set. Some of the Draws are my Mom's Newfoundland Pony, Bonnie...Some are a Clydesdale from my childhood, Fred...and there's a drawing of a Canadian Show Jumper, Big Ben...and finally there is a couple of doodles of a cartoon horse from a movie, Spirit.

Sunflower Clock

The Happy/Cute Bugs Fabric I used for the Pot of the Sunflower. (above)
The close up of the Sunflower itself. (above)

The Sunflower Clock. (above)

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Ugly Sunflower Clock That Blossom

So, here I am again hopeing to write something new and good. I'm sitting here looking at the screen with a mug of Red Tea. What do I write about? I don't know want to write so, I'm going to write about the Ugly Sunflower Clock...I'm not sure where it came from...I thought my Mom bought it in the a yard sale...I know it came from some where anyways...

Ugly Sunflower (above)

Well, this is the Ugly Sunflower Clock. I thought about painting over the whole thing and starting over, but I wanted a little more out of this clock. I want a pop of colour, I wanted a work of art out of that clock, not just a normal looking clock. I know that's a lot to ask out of a clock. so, one day I happen to run into the hobby/craft shop that sold material/fabric... I had a look around and this fabric with happy/cute bugs all over it caught my eye plus the background colour look like a clay pot...perfect I thought. How in the world am I going to stick this on, I thought. Mod Podge was the answer, now I only had to figure out what to do with the sunflower part???? I had some time to kill before the bus came so I popped into the Dollarara and there was coloured paper...all kinds....and even tissue paper. That would be the top of the sunflower and the pot will be the happy/cute bugs fabric. All I have to do now is figure how to go about it. I built layers of colour paper and tissue paper, I gave it high lights and dark low lights to give it some depth, it started to come to life. I added a little of cardboard to give the sunflower pot some depth. .

Looking Good..Sunflower (above)

I did more and more work on this sunflower, putting hours of work. I wanted this sunflower clock to look was going to hang on my kitchen had to look good. I did little bits of it at a time , I had to put it a side so I could come back to it with fresh eyes. I think doing that helped, I wouldn't gotten bored...I know myself that well enough that would have happen. I couldn't let that happen...I never did Mod Podge before and I was having fun...I discovered something new. So, I worked on this Ugly Sunflower clock for two weeks or was Blossoming.

Now, here is that very same Sunflower Clock. It hangs on my kitchen wall. It Blossom into that beautiful Sunflower, that it should have been.

My First Blog

I believe that my first blog entry should be a little about myself and why I started blogging in the first place. I post my first blog with a certain amount of personal annoyance as I have never done a self narrative statement before "All About Me." I always hated doing an Artist Statement, never could write very good or it wouldn't come out the right way. So, let me start by saying I have a learning disability...I'm not the greatest writer, there could be lots of grammar and some spelling mistakes...Sorry about that. OK, lets get back to it, what was I going to name is Vicki Collins, aka Tilt Cove Artist. Everyone asks me why I don't have a website or some form of online service, so that's why I'm starting this blog.
I graduated with a Degree in Visual Arts...but I consider myself as an self-taught artist...I have been painting and drawing for most of my life. I work from home, I don't teach in a school. LOL. My artworks are drawings, I paint in watercolours and acrylic, also dabbled in oils , sometimes. I'm not exactly where I wanted to be in My Life, I had a dreamed of...I wanted to be an Artist in my home town (Tilt Cove) and living there in my own house. But I live in a big's nothing like home. You can't get everything in life, I'll just have to work towards it or something. I try to work everyday, at some point in the day with a sketch book or something. I love to doodle, most people get mad at me for saying that...drawing most cases they are in a sketch book.
When I was growing up I drew a lot of Horses...but through out college and university, I drew what they wanted out of, I'm gone back to what I love...the Horse. But keep in mind I do other subject matters. I think that's all I going to say for my first blog. I hope you come back again. I'm only getting started.