Today is a tribute day…I want to pay tribute to a cat I had for 19 years…a black cat name SUGAR. I had Sugar when I was 2 years old and now she has been gone for 11 years. She was my best little friend with fur. Today would have been her 30th birthday, can you imagine a 30 year old black cat. It would be amazing …..for me. LOL. I started out with a line drawing of Sugar. At this point I wasn’t sure what medium I should be using but, a friend (which they know who they are) said I should do Sugar in Charcoal. I never thought about that, honestly…I did think about doing her with watercolour pencils. I only have done one other artwork of Sugar, a painting back in 1997, a 5”x7”.
When I finally got the nerves to start the drawing, I started with the outline of her eyes. I thought this would help me relax and be able to focus on the drawing. I wanted to do a good job on this Charcoal Drawing of my beloved Sugar. I took a deep breath a started right on to the drawing, no turning back now…got to finished this Drawing.
Two days later, I finally finished the Charcoal Drawing of Sugar. And now, long at last I have paid tribute to a cat I had, My Dear Sugar. That is still Missed today.
“Feline Friend”
Glorious ebony fur
Shines bright in the early dawn
It captures the light of the morn
And makes it glow.
Sharp yellow eyes
Soften when you look upon me
Gentle and full of wisdom
Golden with friendship.
Elegant body
Full of grace and elegance
Illuminates power with each step
As I watch you walk the line of dawn.
Feline Friend
Now and forever
Grace my memories
As you have thoughtful graced my life.
“Cats are Wonderful Friends”
Gentle eyes that see so much,
Paws that have the quiet touch,
Purrs to signal “all is well”
And show more love than words could tell.
Graceful movements touched with pride,
A calming presence by our side--
A friendship that takes time to grow--
Small wonder why we love them so.
~Author Unknown~
“Cat Kisses”
Sandpaper kisses
On a cheek or a chin-
That is the way
For a day to begin!
Sandpaper kisses--
A cuddle and a purr.
I have an alarm clock
That’s covered in fur!
~Bobbi Katz~