Monday, April 10, 2017

Amazed Over A Phone.

Here I am sating in front of a write screen, but the funny thing is...I'm not sitting in front of my desktop computer. No...I'm using my cell phone, I just recently got myself an iPhone 4. So, here I am sitting on sofa with my iPhone in hand, writing this blog. Just wanted to let you know I'm planning on posting more, I want to post pictures that I have taken and have a few words with the pictures post. I want to try something different and why not post my pictures. Hey, Why not make Tilt Cove my first picture post.

Home Sweet Home...Tilt Cove. This Picture looks down towards the Cove..the Ocean. Houses on both sides of Winsor Lake, I'm from the Right Side.
This Picture is taken on the opposite of Winsor Lake. Now I'm from the Left Side. This picture is looking up towards the road that goes up over the hill.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Puffin Painting Portrait

Been working today on Puffin Painting Series, I really am starting in to fall in love with this portrait of a Puffin. I still have some finally touchs to add before I can call this painting completely finished. And for a change tonight, I'm sitting here my kitchen table typing that post with my Kobo. I'm not totally sure how the pictures will come out until I get on my computer to have a look, if the pictures isn't that great I'll update the post with better ones. That's all for now, got to get back to the all important dishes... LOL. Until next time, See Ya. 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Puffin Paintings Update:

On Friday I started working on the big 11x14 inch puffin. I haven't been painting for almost a week and I had to find my groove again. It was so different holding this painting cause it was so big, the other two puffin painting are only 8x10 inches. I think I should start looking for a small tabletop easel.
This how I had my kitchen table set up for a day of painting. I have all my painting supplies, my coffee, the other puffin paintings I'm working on, and I have my Kobo tablet.
This picture I took while still working on the puffin. The next picture is at the end of the day of painting. Not too sure how I feel about parts of the painting yet, I'll have to wait until I start again to see how I feel about it then. But over all another great day of painting.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

My Puffin Series

I should be mortified. I started this Puffin Series back last summer and I didn’t touch it afterwards. I got myself into crocheting and I can't seem to stop, it’s like a full on obsession. For the past months, I pause sometimes and look at the painting, I eye them every time I do laundry, getting a towels, clothes…etc. I had them put in the back room/closet so, I pretty much see them everyday. And I always think…”I should get back to painting them, right after I’m finish this crochet project….” I kept on thinking this for months. I really should be ashamed of myself. I took them out and got back to work, the first day I had a really hard day, I just couldn't get back into my groove. But after having a coffee and told myself that I was over thinking...all I got to do is just breath. Well, it worked I found my groove, the painting are far from finished but they are getting there...I'm hoping to get back to them tomorrow or this weekend. I'll try and get a more in the movement kind of post to share. Ha Ha Ha.

There's that all important coffee travel mug...Ha Ha. 

I'll really falling in Love this with Puffin.

I'm thinking I will start working on the big puffin painting next.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Status Update

Well, I didn't realize it has been this long since my last post...  I'm shock over this...not really, I knew it have been a long while. I have been keeping busy, March of this year 2013 I learned to crochet and I love it...can't get enough of it. 
The Puffin painting I had prints made of has sold down to 'Picture it in a Frame.'  The owner bought two more prints from me to sell. And has of today I'm here crocheting items for my sister's store. I'm hoping to finished crocheting the items for her store by September. I want to get started on crocheting things for Christmas gifts.  

Saturday, April 13, 2013

My Puffin Painting, 'Burrow Patrol.'

I did it. I can finally cross one of my goals off my list of things to do, I had Prints made of my Puffin Painting, 'Burrow Patrol'...And now one of my Prints of my Puffin Painting is at Picture It In A Frame Store. I have always wanted to have a work of art in that Store. Thank You Picture It In A Frame.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Status Update:

Working today on some new rough puffin sketches...Not sure what I will use them for but, at least I'm doing some artwork…I’m thinking I may use one of the rough puffin sketches for a watercolour painting.

I also started a Facebook Page called: A Passion for ART. Here is the Link: (If it don't work Please let me know, I'll do my very best to fix it.)