This is the latest drawing I have finished a 1965 Mustang Fastback GT. 347. Very interesting drawings say the least. A beautiful car parked out in front of a puddle…and in that puddle, you guess right the reflection of the car. I knew from the start this drawing would be a challenging for me. Besides, I liked that. LOL. Every drawing has there challenges but, I think this was the most challenging. The funny thing is I started with the car reflection in the puddle before I even started the car itself. I always start with the car but for some reason I start with the puddle. Then after that I started on the car, strange enough the car gave me a little trouble at first…I think I could not get in the mood to draw it. I gave myself a couple of days off and it was just what I needed to get me back into the drawing, sure enough, that is what the problem was. I know if I showed you the picture I worked from the colour of the car isn’t spot on but its close enough. The colour I was using was to dark and muddy. However, after changing the colour of the car, I love the Car drawing it’s one of my most favourites. Has of right now I can't think of anything else to write about but, if I do I'll add it in later.