Saturday, September 17, 2011

Atlantic Puffin

 Atlantic Puffin, also known as a common puffin, is a seabird. The Atlantic Puffin naturally remains at sea for most of the year, and only comes inland to breed. These birds are nicknamed "sea parrots" or "clowns of the ocean" mainly because of their visually striking black and white feathers and their brightly colored beaks. Male Puffins are about 10 to 11 inches, females are measuring slightly less. Black feathers on their backs and wings and white feathers covering their cheeks, breast, stomach, and legs of the Atlantic Puffin. They also have dark markings around its eyes that resemble applied black eyeliner make-up. The nickname "sea parrots" comes from their large, wedge-shaped bills that are vivid orange, red, yellow, deep blue, and black in color. Their legs are orange, with webbed feet.

Finished Drawing of Puffin

This Puffin drawing was done on my vacation, I guess it was inspiration or I just wanted to be creative. I just had to put it to paper, tried something different this time I used watercolour pencils crayons and colour pencils. I guess it will be a sketch for a future reference for a painting or something else. Done a few touch-ups to the Puffin sketch after returning home. I was satisfied with it and decided to post it on my blog. Such a cute little guy, I just had to post him. LOL.