Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Very Short Update

I'm sorry...I have been on here to give you updates. I'm writing this post on my iPhone, my computer is in the shop and it could be gone for 4 to 6 weeks. Damn man. I have been thinking I should get myself one of them small laptops, they don't cost too much. Anyone out there give me advice on what I should buy? I don't want to buy anything that is too much money. If I could have what I want I really would go with an Apple Laptop but, I don't have the money for one of them. So now, I don't have a place to back up my iPhone, I did however download the DropBox at least i have somewhere I can put some photo's for save keeping. I also have Evernote but, I use that one mostly for Art Ideas. I think that's all from me now, I may wait a while before I post pictures...don't have a preview option in this I don't know if I should. I may try it and see how one picture looks. Ok. I'm gone now, see you all later.

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