Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Start of My Puffin Series

Yesterday, I decided to start a Puffin Series of Paintings. I went through some sketches I had of some puffins and I got two blank canvas,' one 8x10" and one 12x16". The first day, I redrawn the sketches of the puffins to fit both canvas'. Afterwards, I got the basecoat on, I hate seeing a white canvas, I'm always afraid of it. But now the basecoat is on I'm ready to start.
I just reheated my coffee, my table is all ready and layout...just need some water in my mason jar and then I'm ready to begin. I have always used natural light, I don't like painting with artificial lights because the colour of the paints on canvas are always look strange to effects the colour. I don't have much time to paint today, I'm losing the best light. I get the background finally painted on, I drink the coffee that I had to reheat again. Now I'm waiting for the paint to dry before, I put the sketches of the puffins on the canvas. It seem to be a good place to end the day, I should be back working on the Puffin Paintings within a couple of days.

Both Canvas' have the basecoat painted on at this point.

Close Up of 12x16"  (Note: Some people who know me already seen this Puffin done in watercolour.)

  The Puffin Sketch for the 12x16" Canvas.

    Close Up of 8x10" Canvas.

    The Puffin Sketch for the 8x10" Canvas.

     Background Painted on the 8x10" Painting.

Background Painted on the 12x16" Painting. 

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