Saturday, October 9, 2010


Well….Here I’m again...sitting in front of the computer looking at this blank white screen wondering what I should write about…it’s just has bad when I sat down and try to figure out what to put in paper or even the canvas. But most times it will flow out of me and I have something to put on my blog, this time it just me writing. I hope this don’t disappoint you too much. So, what to writing…You are an Artist.
Most of us artist feel uncomfortable thinking of ourselves as an Artist, but we are. We think artists write novels, paint pictures, choreograph ballets, act on Broadway, throw pots, shoot feature films, and dress in black…the truth is…they are all artist, just different kinds.
But each of us is an Artist. An Artist is simply someone who has good listening skills and the right to use the creative energy of the universe to bring forward something on the material level that wasn't here before.It was apart of your spirit before we could see it as a book, a painting, a ballet, a film.
So, it’s with creating a real life, With every choice, everyday, you creating a unique work of art. Something that only you can do, something beautiful and short-lived. It’s the reason you were born to leave your own permanent mark on your personal world.
Today, accept that you are creating a work of art by making big and little choices between playing it safe and risking it. Is there something you’d like to do that’s new and different? Why not order an espresso at lunch, if you’ve never tried it?
Each time you experience something new, you become open to a muse. Each time you try something different, you let the universe know you are listening. Trust your instincts. Believe your desires are blessing. Respect your creative urges. If you are willing to step out of the box and take that leap in the dark, you will discover that your choices are as real as you are, you will discover that your life is all it was meant to be. Say yes to the Artist inside you.

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