Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Coco Portrait (Part 1)

Why did I get myself into? Why did I say I would paint a portrait of Coco...


With a big mug of coffee I used the new app I downloaded on my iPhone, the one called 'Inspire,' (I used it before in another post I did) and I use my dollarama stylus. I started with opening the app and I'm introduce to a blank square, so I painted one side blue and the other side green. then, I did a quick sketch of Coco on top of the half blue and green screen. Which one to pick? The odd this was, I was doing reseach on people who do pet portraits and most were painted with blue....but deep down I thought I should do green but, stupid me decided to use blue.

Preliminary Sketches of Coco

'Inspire App for iPhone' Sketch of Coco

Now, I sit at the table all set up to starting painting. The blank white canvas is kind of scary at first. Putting the first bit of paint on the palette...I wet my brush, my iPhone is playing 'Too Close,' Alex Clare. The first brush stoke almost makes my heart stop, no turning back on. I paint all the canvas cobalt blue...the canvas is just too white. I wait for that layer of paint to dry,if I put on more paint it will lift off the paint I just put on.

Table Set Up

I get the background painted on had a bit of a hard time. But I think it looks great, I put that canvas aside, so it could dry without me picking at it again. I'm looking over my drawings to see if I have Coco drawn right, she looks good. Tomorrow I'll start painting her.

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