Thursday, February 23, 2012

Do you know if your body is apple-shaped or pear-shaped?

I have been doing some research on whether I was an Apple or Pear. I'm a Woman who weighs 278 pounds and I'm 5 ft 4in tall. My body mass index is 47.8. Over 30 is considered obese...between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight...between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered a healthy BMI. I want to get down to that healthy/normal area. This is the Website I use to find out this info
And you ask: How Can Overweight and Obesity be Reduced? This is what I'm doing about it:

Overweight and obesity have their related noncommunicable diseases and are largely preventable. People have choices by making the healthier choice of foods and regular physical activity. These are choices  that can help prevent obesity.
You can:
  • limit energy intake from total fats;
  • increase consumption of fruit and vegetables, as well as legumes, whole grains and nuts;
  • limit the intake of sugars;
  • engage in regular physical activity;
  • achieve energy balance and a healthy weight.
It can only have its full effect when people have access to a healthy lifestyle.
OK, now whether I'm an Apple or Pear Body Shape???
Just measure your waist circumference and your hip circumference, then calculate your waist to hip ratio. If you are .80 or above you are an apple. Below .80 you are a pear.
Pear Body Shape have hips wider than their shoulders because their bodies store fat there and on the thighs. Pear shaped bodies carry their extra weight below the waistline, and do not seem to have as high a risk of developing health problems like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, ... than people with an Apple Body Shape.
Apple-Shaped women who gain weight around their middle are more likely to develop disorders like heart disease, diabetes, or breast cancer. They're also more likely to have anxiety, depression, menstrual irregularities and fertility problems. Pear-Women who add pounds around their hips, butt and thighs - are more susceptible to problems like osteoporosis, varicose veins, cellulite, and eating disorders. They're also more prone to lower self-esteem due to a poor body image and likely to have a rough transition through menopause.

Apple Tips:
  1. Eat Fiber-Filled Foods. They slow digestion of sugars, lower insulin and cholesterol levels and lower risk of heart disease and diabetes.
  2. Do Aerobic Exercise. Thirty minutes daily is the easiest way to lose l fat.
  3. Test Blood Sugar & Blood Fats. If these tests are abnormal or even borderline, apples should be concerned and look into ways to remedy a possible problem.
An apple-shaped woman has large amounts of deep fat stored in the waist/abdomen called visceral fat, which is a glandular powerhouse. This fat is inside your abdomen surrounding your organs. It contributes to inflammation and an increase in blood sugar. It produces chemicals and hormones that make a woman more vulnerable for heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Pear Tips:
  1. Eat low-fat foods. Pear-zone fat cells are FAT magnets and will continue to store fat the more you consume, making your problem areas even worse, which can lead to poor body image or even eating disorders
  2. Do resistance training. This type of exercise is great for pears to strengthen their bones
  3. Get bone density scan test,particularly as you approach menopause to know your risks for osteoporosis.
Pear-shaped women are biggest on their lower body where they store the majority of their fat. They tend to have a lower self esteem and are prone to get more eating disorders. Their fat is called subcutaneous fat. Subcutaneous/pear-zone fat is a passive storage department. It stores fat as energy for release only in childbearing/breastfeeding. It acts as fat magnet. Any fat we eat that we don't immediately need for energy is stored immediately "on the hips."

Pear shaped people usually lose fat in the upper body, so their overall shape doesn't change much when we lose weight. So, Girls do everything to improve  your health, and remember feel great about your bodies now. So, your body shape can forecast health destiny. 

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