Saturday, February 18, 2012


Time past so slowly, and now I'm finally finished. I have been working on this Clydesdale horse drawing for a year or what seems like a year. I was so afraid that I would renege the drawing after all it's done with a ball point pen. So, I just took my time and worked on the drawing a litte bit at a time. Now, I'm thinking I should have done it on a big piece of paper, instead I have it lock away in a sketchbook. I just may have to do another drawing on bigger paper or a watercolor or maybe a painting.

The Clydesdale - Poem of Dedication

Thudding hoof and flowing hair,
Style and action sweet and fair,
Bone and sinew well defined,
Movement close bith fore and hind,
Noble eye and handsome head,
Bold, inetelligent, well-bred,
Lovely neck and shoulder laid,
See how shaply he is made,
Muscle strong and frame well knit,
Strength personified and fit,
Thus the Clydesdale - see him go,
To the field, the stud, the show,
Proper back and ribs well sprung,
Sound of limb, and sound of lung,
Powerful loin, and quarter wide,
Grace and majesty allied,
Basic power - living force -
Equine king - the Clydesdale horse.

                                                Detail of Clydesdale Drawing

The Horse

When in this wide world can man find nobility without pride,
friendship without envy, or beauty without vanity?
Here where grace is laced with muscle and strength by gentlenless confined.

He serves without servility; he has fought without enmity.
There is nothing so powerful, nothing less violent;
there us nothing so quick, nothing more patient.

England's past has been borne on his back.
all our history is in his industry.
We are his heirs;
He is our inheritance.

~Ronald Duncan~

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