Friday, February 17, 2012

Shopping Day

Friday, February. 17.2012
Dear Zoe,

My first real blog entry...Woo Hoo!! LOL. I should tell you that my Journal has a name...Zoe. Why I call it Zoe? Well, it feels more like I'm writing  to a friend. And Zoe is a name that I like plus, it means 'Life.' I thought it fit perfectly, so my journal entry will start off with 'Dear Zoe.' Now let's get started.

Let's see...yesterday I went out shopping...when in to Hart Store, which will be closing soon. I don't really think I would find anything there, I mean it's hard for me to find clothes because all the big clothes sells first I find. But yesterday I got two sweaters, a shirt, and two parts of legging oh and, a part of shoes. So, lucky day for me. Something, you should know about me...I put myself on a so call diet...not really a diet more like a life style change on the way I eat. But it has been working for me, so far I have lost 50 pounds. This is great but I still have trouble finding clothes but yesterday was a great day and I only pay like $42 dollars for everything. I'm here now with my new sweater on. LOL.
After finishing my shopping at the Hart Store, I was on my way to The Lair, aka Comic Book Store. A nice walk up hill, I dont know how walking up hill is nice but I walked it. I almost got hit by a car...the car turn into a street and did a U-turn back out and this guy thought he would cut me as I was crossing the road...two big clowns in a tiny red clown car...A**holes. What was I suppose to do stand out in the middle of the road and wait for him, while cars come up the hill. What I should have done was walk really really slow in front of him, I bet he would be piss then. LOL. I get to the store and pick up my Wonder Woman Comic Books and head back down so I can catch the bus to Wal-Mart. It was only a quick visit to Wal-Mart. And it was so cold up at Wal-Mart waiting for the bus I took the sweater out and put it on and put my hoodie back on. I was a little warmer, good thing I bought it. Pay for itself there yesterday.

Last night I sat down with a coffee and my Wonder Woman Comic Books. I went to bed earlier, I had to get up and do laundry today, plus clean up around the house. I don't really think much will happen today, but you never know what can happen. If something comes up I will write again. One last thing, I'm having some trouble getting paint to start the two painting I have to do. I even looked on eBay. I guess I have to keep my eye open for anything now. 

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