Monday, June 28, 2010

Horse of Fire and Ice

I got this great Horse Breeds book last year, I think for Easter. This Horse Breeds book is full of the most beautiful pictures of Horses. I have drawn a couple of sketches using this book but, there’s one I really really liked…My Favourite…only thing was I wanted to have a bit of fun with colour…I didn’t want to use the natural colours…I used COLOURS…Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple. I wanted the ‘Wow Factor’…I just wanted it to stand out from the rest. The breed of Horse is a Shire/a Clydesdale, they are a very close breed of horse in the horse family.

This picture above is from that Horse Breeds book.

I know it kind of looks cartoonie but, it’s only a study sketch, if I decide to paint it I had an idea how to go about it.

Some people have told me that the Horse above looks like he’s on fire…a Fire Horse and the other one below looks like ice…a Ice Horse. I’m not sure what to make of that but, I will say it’s very interesting how people see things, all input is good there‘s no bad input.
This last picture is from a very brand new sketchbook and a decided I would do that very same picture in a pen. I haven’t had a lot of time to work on this that’s why its not finish yet, a working in progress. I will have to keep you up to date on that sketch.

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